Task Scheduling
- Related classes:
Build and run a task
TaskBuilder.create(() -> {
// Your code
This will execute your code on the next server tick (1 tick = 0.05s).
you can keep the TaskBuilder
instance, and call schedule()
on it as
many times as you want. You can even modify it in-between calls!
Task Modifiers
You can call methods on the TaskBuilder
instance to modify when or how many times the task will be executed.
- Delay
- Interval
- Delay and Interval
- Async
To run a task after some delay:
int delayInTicks = 30; // 1.5 seconds
TaskBuilder.create(() -> {
// This will run once after 1.5 seconds
Alternatively, you can specify a TimeUnit
int delayInHours = 2; // 2 hours
TaskBuilder.create(() -> {
// This will run once after 2 hours
}).delay(delayInHours, TimeUnit.HOURS).schedule();
To run a task repeatedly every some amount of time:
int intervalInTicks = 50; // 2.5 seconds
TaskBuilder.create(() -> {
// This will run forever, every 2.5 seconds
Alternatively, you can specify a TimeUnit
int intervalInMinecraftDays = 1; // a Minecraft day is 20 minutes
TaskBuilder.create(() -> {
// This will run forever, once per Minecraft day
}).interval(intervalInMinecraftDays, TimeUnit.MINECRAFT_DAYS).schedule();
You can even chain a delay with an interval as such:
int delay = 20; // 20 seconds
int interval = 3; // 3 hours
TaskBuilder.create(() -> {
// After 20 seconds, this will run forever, every 3 hours
}).delay(delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS).interval(interval, TimeUnit.HOURS).schedule();
Async allows you to run tasks on a separate thread to avoid blocking the main thread
TaskBuilder.create(() -> {
// Your code to run asynchrounously
You should not call any Minecraft-related methods from async code.
Stopping Conditions
So far, we've seen interval
tasks run forever.
However, you may add one or more stopping conditions to stop a task's execution.
- Repeat
- Duration
- While Condition
You can specify how many times you want a task to repeat:
TaskBuilder.create(() -> {
// Will run every 5 seconds, for 20 times, and then stop
}).interval(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).repeat(20).schedule();
You can specify how long you want a task to last (excluding delay()
int delayInTicks = 216000; // 3 hours
int intervalInTicks = 2; // 10 times per second
int durationInTicks = 60; // 3 seconds
TaskBuilder.create(() -> {
// After 3 hours, will run every 2 ticks, until 60 ticks have passed
// In this case, it will be executed 30 times (60 / 2)
Alternatively you may also use duration(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
to achieve the same thing.
For ultimate control, write your own function to control when a task should stop:
BooleanSupplier myCondition = () -> {
return Math.random() < 0.9 ? true : false;
TaskBuilder.create(() -> {
// Will run every tick, until myCondition returns false (10% chance to stop)
Calling schedule()
on a task with a stopping condition and without an interval
will automatically set the interval to 1 tick (will run 20 times per seconds)
You may use multiple stopping conditions together.
The task will stop whenever the first stopping condition is reached.
Task Completion Callback
To run some code when a task finishes, you can do:
TaskBuilder.create(() -> {
System.out.println("Task Started");
}).onFinish(() -> {
System.out.println("Task Finished");
This may be very useful, especially when having multiple stop conditions.
Task State Management
The KapiTask
interface holds useful information such as:
- Task ID - the ID is needed to identify the task in certain Spigot methods.
- Owner - the plugin that scheduled the task.
- Sync - Wether the task is synchronous or asynchronous.
- Cancelled - Wether the task has been cancelled already.
- Delay - the initial delay the task was created with.
- Interval - the initial interval the task was created with.
- Times Ran - the amount of times the task has run.
- Duration - the duration (in ticks, excluding delay) the task has been running for.
Manually cancelling a Task
It can also be used to cancel a task manually:
TaskBuilder.create((task) -> {
boolean someLogic = true;
if (someLogic && task.getTimesRan() > 2) {
}).interval(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS).schedule();
Methods that optionally accept a KapiTask
create(task -> { /* task code */ })
whileCondition(task -> { /* condition */ })
onFinish(task -> { /* on finish code */ })
schedule(task -> { /* task code */ })