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Planned Features

Command creation system

  • A simple way to create commands.
  • Type safe arguments, such as "accept only integers" or "Player names" (should be extendable).
  • Automatic handling of invalid user input
  • Automatic generation of tab completions based on the type, such as an "Online Players" argument adding suggestions for all online players.

Config Data Templates

Annotations that allow you to annotate and register classes as "config templates" which will then allow using them in configs, so you can define a template for things like "Settings" or "Spell". Intended to also include annotations for constraints for example:

@ConstraintInt(min = 0, max = 100)
public static int someValueLikeApercentage;

Built-in Particle Templates, Components, and Systems

This aim's to provide some built-in templates like circles, squares, lines, etc that will have functionality for auto-scaling based, althoughit's very simple to create these yourself, having them built-in will ease the process and save boilerplate

Custom Items Builder

A way to create custom items, easily setting things like display name, lore, material, persistent data (NBT/components). But also providing more complex functionality such as onRightClick, onLeftClick etc. Also things like #unique() which will add a way to uniquely identify an item. Will also have ways to register recipes and other utilities. The plan is to start small with this system and add to it more functionality in each update.