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Adding Kapi as a dependency

Add the dependency to your build.gradle.kts file.

plugins {
id("io.github.goooler.shadow") version "8.1.8"

repositories {

dependencies {

tasks.shadowJar {
relocate("io.github.kapimc.kapi", "[YOUR PACKAGE].kapi")

Replace [VERSION] with the Kapi version you want to use, see versions for a list.
Replace [YOUR PACKAGE] with your own package, such as me.kyren223.myplugin

Main Class

Replace JavaPlugin with KapiPlugin.

Make sure to implement the needed methods

  • onPluginLoad() - entry point of the plugin (similar to onEnable()).
  • onPluginUnload() - exit point of the plugin (similar to onDisable()).


public class MyPlugin extends KapiPlugin {

public void onPluginLoad() {
// Plugin Enabled

public void onPluginUnload() {
// Plugin Disabled